There has been a major shift in the way global companies operate in today’s economic environment with ever-changing employment issues and complexities.

With companies considering their ecological footprint, as well as factoring in ramifications from COVID-19, an increasing number of employers are evolving their employment policies. Much of this focus is now to enable flexible remote working that complements their existing global mobility programs. As a result, businesses have a flexible international network of talent required to meet their organisational and strategic goals.

For individuals, it significantly increases their employment opportunities, lifestyle, flexibility and work efficiency given they are able to work from any location in the world. However, the change in the workforce setup and flexibility also increases tax complexities for employers.

Employers, now more than ever, will need to consider their corporate and employment tax obligations in a tax system that doesn’t necessarily react as quickly to the global changes and trends.

How we help

Our global mobility team at Grant Thornton can help with:

  • developing and implementing tax efficient global employment solution and strategies
  • being a single point of contact to coordinate:
    • expatriate tax compliance and advisory services
    • social security (superannuation) compliance and advisory
    • expatriate and shadow payrolls
  • designing global mobility policy
  • providing technology solutions to support and improve employment tax obligations and governance
  • providing advice on the interaction with the broader employment taxes regime.

For further insights into changes globally, please visit our Global talent mobility hub and Global expatriate tax guides.

Thomas Isbell
Thomas Isbell

Tax Agents Disclosures

The Tax Practitioners Board maintains a register of tax agents and BAS agents. You can access and search this register here. This register includes details of the registration (and conditions if applicable) of Grant Thornton and our individual registered tax agents with whom you engage.

Your engagement letter with Grant Thornton and the Standard Terms and Conditions set out our procedures for dealing with problems or complaints. The Tax Practitioners Board also has a complaints process in relation to tax agent services as outlined on their website which can be accessed here

Tax agents have obligations to the Tax Practitioners Board and to their clients.  You also have obligations under the taxation laws and to your tax agent.  Please refer to these obligations on the TPB website or the TPB’s fact sheet "Information for Clients".

Section 45 of the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) requires Grant Thornton to notify you if it becomes aware of certain events which have occurred in the past 5 years. Grant Thornton is not aware of any such events.