Grant programs are designed by the government to stimulate economic activity, support industry to create jobs, develop new products and services, improve competitiveness and business sustainability, and increase export activity. 

There are nearly 3,000 Government grant programs on offer every year in Australia – close to $77b in funding – and staying up to date can be difficult and time-consuming. 

Government grant funding is available to support businesses that can demonstrate substantial benefits to Australia’s domestic economy. Job creation, export focus, new technology or capability development are all areas that state and federal governments are keen to support. Sectors like Agriculture, Defence, Energy, Food & Beverage, Health, Medtech and Life Sciences, Mining, Renewables and Low Emissions Technologies, Resources and Critical Minerals, and Space are often targets for government funding and incentives.

How we work with you

Expert Support

Strategic Approach


Expert Support Strategic Approach Client-centric
You access a dedicated team of grant experts, focusing exclusively on the government grant funding space. With years of combined experience, we can support you across broad industry sectors, stages of business growth and a wide range of grant programs. We take a strategic and long-term approach to supporting your business to access grant funding. Our methodical approach guides you through the grant identification and application process, with structured advice at each stage to support successful outcomes. We know that your business is unique, and are dedicated to taking the time to understand your strategic aspirations and the investment projects that will help you realize them. Making the most of the opportunity to support you in achieving these goals is at the centre of everything we do.  


Our end-to-end service offering

We offer comprehensive support across the entire grant life-cycle, starting from identifying projects that align with government priority sectors, then helping you uncover open and upcoming grant opportunities. Our goal is to keep you ahead of the curve, ensuring that when applications open, you can swiftly respond with compelling and robust applications.

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  1. Strategy: Understand your corporate strategy and develop an aligned grant strategy

  2. Readiness: Assess your grant application readiness and remediate gaps

  3. Scanning: Undertake ongoing grant opportunity scanning and identify best fit program(s)

  4. Respond: Prepare applications aligned to program requirements and policy drivers. Develop investment pitches that resonate with government.

  5. Comply: Grant compliance and reporting


Simone Barker
Simone Barker

Federal government grants

The $15bn National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) will provide concessional loans, equity investments and guarantees for projects in priority arears of renewable and low emissions technologies, medical science, transport, value-add in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, value-add in resources, defence, and enabling capabilities.

In the global decarbonisation race, the NRF plays a crucial role in developing Australia’s future industries by complementing incentive packages offered by prominent international players, such as the United States’ landmark Inflation Reduction Act and Singapore’s Go-Green Co-Innovation Program.

The Industry Growth Program will support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups with growth advisory services, mentorship and matched grant funding up to $5m for projects within the seven priority NRF sectors. This program replaces the Accelerating Commercialisation component of the Entrepreneur’s Program.

The Critical Minerals Development Program supports early to mid-stage critical minerals projects towards financing and production, supporting Australia’s long term sustainable grown in the critical minerals sector.

The Hydrogen Headstart program will catalyse Australia’s green hydrogen and its derivatives by providing revenue support for ongoing operational costs in the form of a production credit. EOIs are expected to open early 2024. ARENA also offers other grant programs such as the Powering the Regions Fund, Driving the Nation Program and Community Batteries for Household Solar.

Defence grant programs include the Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority Grants (SICPG) program for Australian SMEs to build sovereign industrial capabilities, and the newly created Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator to commercialise technologies and innovative solutions.

The Growing Regions Program invests in community-focused infrastructure to deliver community and economic benefits throughout regional Australia. The program replaces the former Building Better Regions Fund.

State government grant programs

  • Manufacturing grant programs: Victoria offer a manufacturing-focused grant program, such as the Manufacturing Growth Program, which provides grants of up to $250k to stimulate job creating business investment in priority sectors and build Victoria's sovereign manufacturing capability. It replaces the Business Competitiveness Program.
  • Sustainability Victoria grant programs: Sustainability Victoria has grant programs that support the sustainability, decarbonisation, circular economy, recycling and waste reduction policy aims of the state government. Programs include Circular Economy Infrastructure Fund, Recycling Modernisation Fund and Business Support Fund.
  • And many more.

·        Made in Queensland Program: grant funding up to $2.5m to support Queensland’s SME manufacturers to increase international competitiveness, productivity, and innovation via the adoption of new technologies and processes.

·        Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program: grant funding up to $500k to support Queensland’s regional SME manufacturers in the Cairns, Central Queensland, Gold Coast, Mackay and Townsville SA4 regions to build advance advanced manufacturing capabilities.

·        Queensland Jobs Fund – Industry Partnership Program: tailored assistance packages to develop projects that will strengthen local supply chains and grow the footprint of Queensland’s industries, increase private sector investment and support productivity growth while creating jobs.

·        And many more. Get in touch now.

·        Sustainable manufacturing grant programs: NSW has a number of manufacturing grant programs with a heavy focus on decarbonisation, including the $300m Low Carbon Product Manufacturing Fund (to develop renewable energy and low carbon products) and $250m Renewable Manufacturing Fund (to develop components for the renewable energy and electric vehicles sectors).

·        Job creation grant programs: NSW is likely to have grant programs for high job-growth projects in priority sectors. Grants that were previously offered include the $38m Future Industries Investment Program (under review as of May 2023) and the Jobs Plus program.

·        And many more.

·        Collie Futures Industrial Transition Fund: open, ongoing $200m program to support large-scale industrial projects that can provide long-term, sustainable jobs in Collie. The program’s priority sectors are green manufacturing or minerals processing, energy intensive industries and future clean energy industries.

·        Investment Attraction Fund: grant funding of up to $5m to encourage new investment that will create local jobs and contribute to a more diversified economy across strategic sectors.

·        Decarbonisation, clean energy grant programs: grant programs that focus heavily on decarbonisation, clean energy and circular economy, including the Carbon Innovation Grants program and E-waste Infrastructure Grants program. Previous programs included the Clean Energy Future Fund.

·        And many more.

Get in touch

This is suitable for businesses that are able to demonstrate strong benefits to the Australian Economy.

Suitable industries include Agriculture, Defence, Energy, Food & Beverage, Health, Medtech and Life Sciences, Mining, Resources and Critical Minerals, or Space.

Enquire below

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