With the multitude of security incidents in the news citing unauthorised access to personal and sensitive information, mitigating cyber security issues has never been more important.

There has been a legislative push to increase penalties for data breaches, resulting in an ever-increasing need for Board members to understand their organisation’s security posture.

An Essential 8 audit is a government endorsed maturity framework aimed at strengthening all organisations cyber security posture that every business should consider.

The Essential 8

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recommends the top eight security mitigation strategies deemed to be the most effective for mitigating cyber security incidents. These Essential 8 strategies are based on the ACSC’s experience of observing a wide and varying range of incidents that represent the core subset from a much larger set of 37 security strategies and supporting controls.

The eight strategies are grouped into three core themes: prevent attacks; limit impact; and maintain data availability. They represent a clear link back to the core security principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The ACSC provides a maturity level that firms can baseline their implementation progress from Maturity Level Zero through to Maturity Level Three. Importantly, the Essential 8 is not viewed as one size fits all and your maturity level should be aligned to your risk profile.

Indicates weaknesses in an organisation’s overall cyber security posture.

Mitigates commodity tradecraft with publicly available tools.

Mitigates adversaries who invest more time in a target with more effective techniques.

Focused on adversaries who are more adaptive and less reliant on public tools and methods.

Conducting an Essential 8 Audit serves as a baseline for your organisations’ security controls, helping to understand your existing security maturity and defensive posture, in alignment with the ACSC Essential 8. Aligning to the Essential 8 is a robust starting point for organisations looking to protect digital assets and enhance customer trust.

How does an Essential 8 Audit add value to your business?

If you are a service provider to government, regulated entities, or private enterprise, and you have access to critical and sensitive information, your organisation could benefit from an Essential 8 audit. If you have not conducted an Essential 8 audit, you may not have an adequate level of security controls maturity to maintain contract compliance or secure new business.

An Essential 8 Audit will provide detailed insight into your cyber security controls posture, providing you with detailed recommendations to improve your controls maturity, strength and resilience.

The value of an Essential 8 audit: Measure, protect, minimise

The Essential 8 is a robust framework for benchmarking security controls. The maturity levels provide a clear roadmap for improvement for organisations once maturity and risk have been baselined. The multi-layer approach of the Essential 8 protects organisations against various threats common security risks.

Should your organisation suffer a breach, the implementation of the controls will assist to minimise the impact and contain any potential damage.

The Essential 8 framework is pragmatic and cost effective. An investment in an audit and maturity benchmarking is a high impact exercise for any organisation.

Benchmark and enhance your security posture and defend your business against the impacts of cyber threats by implementing the Essential 8 framework to better manage your cyber risk.

Contact our team of experts to assist you in all your risk and cyber security needs.

Matthew Green
Matthew Green
Daniel Farthing
Daniel Farthing

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