Addressing your organisation’s cyber security risk and readiness to mitigate an attack must be the priority of the business and also your leaders.

While private and mid-sized businesses have a smaller digital footprint than larger organisations, exposure points still exist – just in different places. What’s also changed is now that small and mid-sized businesses fall under the same regulatory pressures as their larger counterparts (in Australia and also the world) relating to cyber risk, whereby the fines are significant, personal liability is likely and the reputational damage very public.

The irony of modern cyber security is that our highest risk is also our strongest defence mechanism – people. Security training and awareness enables organisations to influence behaviour, build a stronger, more resilient cyber security culture, mitigate risk, and ensure compliance.

Grant Thornton has developed an online cyber security training and awareness program that is focused on skilling your people – and creating a culture – to protect themselves and your organisation against cyber-attacks.

What makes up a comprehensive and successful cyber security training program?

Not all training programs are created equal. Our program utilises a range of formats: both formal training modules, and less-obvious, sporadic exercises that test your people’s awareness and ability to spot red flags as they go about their work. For instance:

  • Video training
  • Phishing simulation
  • Gaming
  • Video training
    Video training
    Teaching your people how to avoid being tricked by cyber criminals
  • Phishing simulation
    Phishing simulation
    Simulating a phishing attack helps your people spot them and also allows you to assess your people’s ability to avoid them and required future training modules.
  • Gaming
    A mix of phishing and regular emails immerse the program into your workplace, keeping your people interested in, and focused on, the practical learnings.
Matthew Green
Matthew Green