Despite the best policies, procedures and prevention controls within a business, the reality is misconduct and wrong-doing can occur both inside and even outside businesses through key stakeholders.

Whether suspected early on or it is a long-time occurrence, intentional or not, the impact to a business can be far-reaching: financial distress, exposing the business to further risk, reputational damage and even penalties.

Getting to the core of any business misconduct or issue, or building a case for current and future litigation, can be as complex as it is unique and sensitive. A successful investigation and outcome must first understand what is at stake, the environment in which the business and its people operate, as well as regulatory landscape affecting the business.

From employee fraud and payroll issues, to anti-fraud and corruption, whistleblowing and modern slavery, Grant Thornton draws upon our technical expertise and experience in both tax, accounting, law enforcement and commercial investigations. Our teams include licensed forensic investigators with domestic and international experience to deliver high quality results, outcomes and evidence across the jurisdictions in which you operate.

Our Investigations services

Employee fraud

Our team investigates to understand where employee fraud has occurred, and can build evidence should the case escalate to a dismissal, charge or dispute.

Anti-fraud and corruption

We assess the risks and help clients design, implement and maintain anti-bribery and corruption compliance programs.


We help clients comply with whistleblowing obligations by making sure an appropriate Whistleblowing Policy is in place and effectively implemented and maintained.

Modern slavery

We help clients review the risk of modern slavery and produce a compliant risk framework, as well as conducting supply chain optimisation programs.


We provide tailored AML CTF risk management and compliance services so that your organisation can meet compliance.

Payroll consulting & Award compliance

Many organisations are grappling with a myriad of employee agreements and obligations, resulting in a wide variety of payments to their people.

Non-financial and sustainability reporting

Non-financial reporting and mandatory climate-related disclosure is new, uncertain, and potentially confusing for companies, investors and other stakeholders.

Get in touch
Alex Bell
Partner & National Head of Forensic Consulting
Alex Bell
Partner & National Head of Forensic Consulting
Alex Bell