Combining our skills in forensic accounting, investigation and technology, we perform complex analysis to identify and trace assets and the flow of funds.

For clients seeking to trace the assets of an individual or corporate entity for the purposes of recovery, we assist by identifying misappropriated assets, often as part of formal insolvency processes or in support of ongoing litigation or fraud investigations.

We perform detailed searches of publicly available information, from both a corporate and a property perspective, enabling us to locate any relevant assets that may assist our client with their proceedings.

Using a sophisticated set of tools and resources, we analyse financial records, bank statements, documents and emails to reconstruct financial records and find out where the money has gone, across multiple jurisdictions.

Using methods of forensic accounting and asset recovery, we adhere to the legal tracing principles to provide proof of the ultimate beneficial ownership trail or evidence that funds and/or assets represent the proceeds of fraud.


Kelly Rigby
Kelly Rigby

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29 Nov On-demand