Innovative digital technologies are being harnessed at a rapid rate across all industries to improve customer service, create new products and services and to increase profitability. However, not all organisations know where to start their digital transformation journey.

Investing in the wrong technologies or initiatives can have negative consequences for your customer experience, brand, reputation and bottom line. Our experienced team helps clients to create an appropriate digital strategy and drive the digital transformation across all parts of their business successfully.

Digital transformations are complex, expensive, multi-year initiatives that often fail to deliver the expected benefits. We work closely with clients to bring the required capabilities and experience to enable successful digital transformations.

This starts with helping clients sort through the mass of new digital technologies to create a digital strategy that enables their business strategy and takes into account the current state of their business, their competitive landscape and the economic environment.

Implementing the digital strategy successfully requires a digital transformation program based on a strong foundation of:

  • a realistic and supported business case
  • effective program governance
  • disciplined project management
  • open communications
  • supportive change management.

How we help

Our teams are experienced in assisting clients to build appropriate business cases that consider the risks as well as the costs and benefits of a digital transformation. We bring a range of methodologies, approaches and capabilities in prioritisation of digital initiatives, project management, governance and change management.

We can guide clients through the complex sourcing and procurement phase to ensure the right vendors are selected. While we work with a wide variety of vendors, we maintain independence and advise clients objectively. We are not like many of our competitors, developing strategies and recommending solutions that we then want to implement.

An essential part of most digital transformations is evolving the operating model to ensure that the changes are embedded in new ways of working across the organisation and that the benefits are sustained.

Grant Thornton can help clients through digital transformation programs from start to finish. We bring diverse teams of experienced professionals who have the necessary technical, functional and industry expertise to enable successful digital transformations.

Key areas of expertise

We help clients sort through the multitude of emerging digital technologies to create a cohesive digital strategy aligned to our clients’ business strategies.

Our experienced team works with client teams collaboratively to prioritise initiatives, create the business case and prepare a roadmap to guide the digital transformation. We can establish the transformation program office and other governance structures.

With digital transformation comes the need to update and evolve the operating model of both the IT function and possibly the business as a whole. Our experts are adept at working with clients to define and implement new operating models.

Making the right decision on whether to buy or build digital capabilities and services can make a material difference to a company’s competitiveness and profitability.

We are well placed to provide an independent and objective assessment of the options including to build, buy, outsource or offshore.

Our extensive knowledge of the vendor landscape and experience in assisting clients to procure the necessary digital products and services enables a better outcome with lower risk and cost.

We are able to bring innovative methodologies and tools to speed up the process and select the right vendors.

While digital transformation can improve many aspects of a business, we should not forget the IT department. We work with IT leaders and their teams to build digital capabilities and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes, systems and operations to optimise the value derived from the IT budget.

Jamie Downs
Partner & National Head of Management Consulting
Jamie Downs