Increasingly, Australians are seeing the benefits, advantages and flexibility of taking control of their own superannuation and retirement planning.

There have been a number of triggers to bring about this trend of managing your own financial affairs. The Financial Services Royal Commission has seen some looking to take control of their superannuation and moving away from the traditional funds model. COVID-19 too has meant many are now focused on plans aimed at securing personal cash and super reserves. Also, changing demographics, like an aging population, is another factor to bring about this shift.

With this in mind, one option a number of people consider is the creation of a self-managed super fund (SMSF). SMSFs can give you the control to better align your interests and values in the investments you make and have a key role in securing financial freedom in retirement. In addition, comparable fees, and the flexibility in the rules that apply for SMSFs as compared with the traditional industry players, can result in significantly greater returns in the long-run with the right investment strategy.

A national approach for securing your future

The superannuation team at Grant Thornton can give you the confidence in your retirement planning. We work with you to understand your long-term objectives to create strategies and structures to organise, protect and grow your superannuation. We invest time to understand what’s important to you specifically and ensure your retirement savings are designed to work with your lifestyle, goals and individual values.

Our team of SMSF specialists solely focus on providing expert advice across all facets of superannuation and associated tax laws to help you protect and grow your wealth. We will also work with you to ensure all compliance requirements are met, including the preparation of financial statements, member reporting, annual returns, tax lodgement, associated minutes and audit requirements. Whether managing your superannuation is part of your wider trust or intergenerational wealth plans, or you are nearing the age in which you can access these funds and seek to optimise your returns, we will work alongside you to meet all requirements for these milestones.

We have invested in onshore technology and systems that means you receive a streamlined service focused on efficiency and accuracy, regardless of where you are in Australia. You also gain the assurance of security and privacy procedures and processes to safeguard your data from external risk. We employ a range of data analytics tools to give you actionable insights, with access to our benchmarking capability so you can draw learnings from your peers, and comparisons to relevant industry funds.

Superannuation can fluctuate with short-term movements in investment markets, but by ensuring your super is invested with a prudent long-term strategy you can optimise and protect your wealth for long-term success and a safe and secure future.

Other Information: Financial Services Guide

Complaints policy for services provided under an Australian Financial Services License

Get in touch
Simon Gow
Partner & National Head of Self-Managed Superannuation
Simon Gow
Partner & National Head of Self-Managed Superannuation
Simon Gow

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