Australia’s detailed financial compliance regimes mandate the preparation of Australian Accounting Standard compliant financial statements, and, for for-profit entities, for years commencing from 1 July 2021 general purpose financial statements are required. This continuing and rapid increase in complexity naturally moves outside of the expertise of many entities.


Preparing financial statements

Grant Thornton has established a Centre of Excellence for financial reporting that allows companies to access talented and specialised resources when preparing financial statements. By liaising closely with management of their clients and with other specialists, the members of the Centre of Excellence are able to efficiently utilise market-leading tools to prepare financial statements that comply with Australian Accounting Standards for our clients in both the for profit and not for profit spaces.

When preparing financial reports, we undertake a ‘compilation engagement’ defined by the Australian Professional Ethical Standards Board. Our qualified and competent staff, who are professionally bound to ensure that the information you present complies with your chosen accounting framework, prepare the financial statements for you.

Our Financial report preparation services

Financial reporting tools

We leverage knowledge of the tools and Australian Accounting Standards to provide rapid and cost-effective services to our clients.

Merilyn Gwan
Partner & Head of National Assurance Quality
Merilyn Gwan