In the case of a dispute, the facts around your financial reporting and obligations can be a crucial, objective piece of evidence. But, articulating these and representing them in their correct form – in a way that all parties to a case can understand – has the potential to make or break a case.

Deep technical expertise and experience: from Australian accounting and auditing standards to the International Financial Reporting Standards

Grant Thornton’s expert accounting and audit services team is part of the firm’s forensics and litigation support expertise, whereby we have a deep understanding and experience of Australian accounting and auditing standards, as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We are able to interpret and apply the most complex and technical standards in a practical sense, as well as articulate these clearly when required, such as in major disputes relating to the application of accounting standards and the work performed by the auditors.

We understand the pressures and challenges Directors and Boards face when meeting a growing set of standards and regularly act as an independent sounding board to help safeguard leaders from liability. We also know the expectations of the courts and regulators for delivering evidence on even the most complex or specialist scenarios and regularly prepare expert evidence for the Courts, ASIC and the Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board (CADB).

Access to expert opinions

Our expert accounting and audit services provides specialist advice on the application of accounting standards – including IFRS – and auditing standards.  For instance, we provide assistance for:

  • preparers of financial statements, particularly using IFRS
  • auditors seeking specialist advice in the application of IFRS
  • Boards and Directors on technical issues and ongoing education.

We also provide litigation support for disputes around the application of accounting standards and the application of auditing standards.

Our expert accounting and audit services team provides specialist advice – opinions and evidence – on the application of complex Australian and international accounting and auditing standards.

As your organisation grows, diversifies or changes, so too do your financial reporting, accounting and auditing obligations. The raft of accounting and auditing standards you must apply – not only for Australia but also for the jurisdictions you operate in or are affected by – can be complex. Where not applied correctly, you can be exposing your organisation and its leaders to significant penalties, disruptions or even future disputes.

Andrew Archer
National Managing Partner – Quality & Excellence
Andrew Archer


Expert opinion: interpreting and applying your complex technical reporting obligations by a qualified expert for your auditing, dispute and evidence needs.