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Press Release

Congratulations Interpack, successful applicant of Victorian Business Competitiveness Program grant funding

The Victorian Government’s Business Competitiveness Program (BCP) is a key initiative of the $60 million Manufacturing and Industry Development Fund, helping small and medium sized Victorian manufacturers grow their operations, create jobs, increase industry competitiveness and strengthen local supply chains.

Pleasingly, one of only 28 successful applicants from Round 1 of the BCP was our client Interpack – a Deer Park based, family-owned business, that manufacturers a diverse range of customised, quality metal closures for beverage packaging. Interpack received funding to increase value-added manufacturing capability to support Australian distilleries and replace imports.

This funding will enable Interpack to purchase new automated, high-speed and agile equipment to increase manufacturing capacity whilst reducing unit production costs. This new technology will make Interpack a globally competitive manufacturer, able to displace imported product, positioning this Victorian business as a key on-shore supplier to major Australian beverage brands. The project creates 10 new high-skilled manufacturing jobs in Victoria.

Grant Thornton Australia is proud to have supported Interpack in successfully capitalizing on this funding opportunity.

Simone Barker, leader in Grant Thornton’s Innovation Incentives team said: “We have been working closely with Interpack over the past 12 months, and have successfully supported them through this BCP application and the Federal Government’s Modern Manufacturing Fund. It really pays off to think about government funding strategically – and start planning early to submit a strong and meritorious application. These investments really are going to boost Interpack’s global competitiveness, which is great for manufacturing and the Food & Beverage sector.”

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