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Press release

Grant Thornton makes 9-Day Fortnight permanent

Following a successful 12-month trial, Grant Thornton will permanently adopt the 9-Day Fortnight flexible working structure for all of its people with no cut to remuneration.  

Grant Thornton commenced the 9-Day Fortnight from March 2023 with the aim it would improve the mental wellbeing of its people, increase their engagement and uplift retention, and as a result further enhance the client experience and quality of work, which would all combine to encourage the growth of the firm.

Results from Grant Thornton’s most recent internal engagement survey and financial reports have shown key indicators are at a record high including productivity, retention, and profits.  

In addition, Grant Thornton’s engagement survey results found improvements across key measurements including: 

  • An overwhelming 94 per cent of its people are in support of the 9-Day Fortnight becoming a permanent policy
  • 85 per cent of its people agreed the 9-Day Fortnight policy improved their wellbeing 
  • 83 per cent of its people agreed the 9-Day Fortnight positively influenced their desire to work at Grant Thronton
  • 84 per cent agreed the 9-Day fortnight encouraged them to recommend the firm to family and friends as a great place to work
  • 92 per cent of its people agreed they are proud to work at Grant Thornton 

Greg Keith, Grant Thornton CEO said: “It’s fantastic to see the results of our 9-Day Fortnight trial are in line with many of our expected outcomes and continue to reflect our CARE values and purpose to support our people, clients and communities to thrive. We hoped that by improving our people’s wellbeing they would give that extra discretionary effort for our clients and we now believe that to be true – happy people do great work.

“In a short amount of time, the 9-Day Fortnight has achieved many of its goals and our people are keen to retain its benefits. While this is an incredible position to be in, we feel there is still a lot of work to do to ensure recharge time is equitable across all service lines. This is a huge change management piece, and we are the first to say we haven’t quite nailed it yet as we need to keep the trial mentality and explore ways to ensure recharge time is more fairly accessed. It is a work in progress but our people want it and it is definitely worth striving for.”

Grant Thornton’s engagement survey also found 70 per cent of its people agreed they had changed their work behaviours since the 9-Day Fortnight, to create efficiencies to allow them to take recharge time across a typical fortnight. Greg Keith said, “We continue to invest in automation, trial AI, reduce meeting lengths, and question ourselves on who needs to attend. This is an ongoing challenge, but with the 9-Day Fortnight there is an incentive for our people to help find efficiencies, as they get to share in the benefits.” 

All six Grant Thornton offices nationally continue to remain open five days a week to fully service clients during standard business hours.

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