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Tony Jonsson

Tony Jonsson

Partner - Financial Advisory - Northern Australia
Restructuring Advisory

Tony has more than 32 years’ experience in business recovery and insolvency.  He has substantial experience in both corporate and personal insolvency matters having worked with accounting firms in both Brisbane and Cairns.

Tony has significant experience undertaking formal insolvency appointments under the Corporations Act 2001 and Bankruptcy Act 1966.  His experience includes:

  • Receiverships (including Court and private appointments)
  • Voluntary administrations (followed either by a deed of company arrangement or liquidation)
  • Liquidations (Court-appointed, creditors voluntary and members voluntary)
  • Provisional liquidations
  • Bankruptcy
  • Part IX and Part X arrangements

Tony has also acted as a Court-appointed Statutory Trustee and Receiver and Manager in relation to properties and businesses in matters of dispute.  He has also provided informal advice and workout and turnaround services to businesses and individuals experiencing financial difficulty. 

In other matters, Tony has acted as deceased estate replacement Executor/ Administrator, Administrator Ad Litem, Administrator Pendente Lite, and Enforcement Officer.

  • Bachelor of Economics, University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Business, Queensland University of Technology
  • Official Liquidator
  • Registered Trustee in Bankruptcy
  • Associate of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  • Member of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association
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Tony Jonsson
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