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Jane Stanton

Jane Stanton

Consulting is the ultimate team activity and relies heavily on having many different perspectives for its success. Our team at Grant Thornton is deeply experienced and diverse. We have the agility to deliver tailored solutions for our clients. As a team we have not only produced positive outcomes for our clients, but we have initiated change across the financial services sector.

Partner – Consulting
Risk Consulting

Jane joined Grant Thornton Risk Consulting in November 2019. She brings significant experience from her distinguished career that includes the 2018 Presidency of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ).

Jane has over 20 years of financial services industry experience having worked in a variety of senior risk management, internal audit and finance roles for APRA regulated and listed entities. She has worked across banking, funds management, general insurance and superannuation. Jane has worked across Asia, North America and Europe. She has deep experience in the development, embedding and oversight of risk management, assurance, compliance and governance frameworks and the development and rollout of internal audit methodologies.

Jane brings a unique perspective and understanding of expectations of an SME, co-source or outsourcing partner from her time working in commerce.

Jane is a member of the Audit & Risk Committees of the Sax Institute and the University of Notre Dame. She is a Board Member of the Women’s Alcohol and Drug Advisory Centre (Jarrah House). Jane is a former Board Member and a Past President of CA ANZ. During her term as CA ANZ President, Jane championed mental wellness in the accounting profession, drawing on her own experience of balancing a rewarding career with managing mental illness.


Jane specialises in the development, implementation or review of:

  • Risk Management Strategy, Risk Policies, Risk Appetite Statement and Delegations Framework
  • Risk Maturity Model and Risk Culture Framework
  • Internal Audit Methodologies including Risk Culture, Corporate Governance and Outsourcing
  • Profiling of financial and non-financial risks
  • Processes, internal controls and monitoring to support regulatory and legislative changes
  • Due diligence of proposed and assurance over existing material outsourcing arrangements
  • Past President of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Member of Institute of Internal Auditors
  • Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors
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