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Claire Scott
Partner & National Head of Financial Services

Claire Scott

Partner - Audit & Assurance
National Head of Financial Services

Claire has 17 years of external audit, assurance & advisory experience for financial services clients including superannuation funds, investment managers, ADIs such as Credit Unions, Mutual Banks and foreign banks, mortgage funds and other financiers covering residential mortgage funds, personal lending, commercial lending, leasing and specialty finance.

Claire has been heavily involved in the audits of APRA regulated entities including ADIs since 2010. Claire leads the mutual ADI sector for Grant Thornton and she is passionate about supporting the industry in navigating an evolving and competitive landscape. Claire is a regular keynote speaker at mutual industry events including Instil (Australasian Mutuals Institute) Finance & Risk Forum and the Mutuals Audit Governance Professional Institute (MAGPI). Claire has developed and delivered training courses in financial services both internally for a Big 4 firm and at Grant Thornton and for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

Claire has worked on financial statement audits, due diligence engagements, internal audits, risk management projects, agreed upon procedures and other assurance engagements, accounting advice, lending and credit process reviews, regulatory audits including APS 310 and AFSL engagements. Claire has extensive experience in performing impairment reviews for banking clients including collateral audits for securitization trusts and due diligence for Credit Union mergers.

Claire is focused on providing exceptional client service and helping clients to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth.


  • Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • ASIC Registered Company Auditor
  • Women in Mutuals
  • Bachelor of Arts – Business & Sociology
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Claire Scott
Partner & National Head of Financial Services
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