When entering the New Zealand market as a business owner or expanding into Australia as a New Zealand business owner, there are numerous factors to consider.

Be prepared for unexpected taxes, penalties, interest, and other tax-related challenges. It's crucial to understand what the ATO scrutinises, particularly regarding IP and R&D tax incentives, to ensure your business and investments thrive in foreign markets.

Watch our series below to learn more. 

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Unlock innovation with New Zealand's 15 per cent R&D Tax Incentive 

Discover how New Zealand's R&D tax incentive can boost your innovation efforts. With a fixed 15 per cent credit available to most businesses, regardless of size or turnover, this funding mechanism is designed to support qualifying R&D activities. Learn more about how this incentive differs from Australia's approach and how it can benefit your business.

Navigating intercompany financing: Key focus areas and compliance insights

In this video, we explore the critical aspects of inter-company financing and why it's a top priority for the ATO. Learn about the key reasons funding is a significant focus, including its importance in determining operational funding and the ATO's long-standing attention to this area. Understand the implications of related party financing and how businesses can navigate these challenges effectively.

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Optimising funding: Debt vs. equity for Australian businesses in New Zealand

It’s imperative for businesses to understand the importance of the debt-equity question when investing in New Zealand. In this video, learn how New Zealand businesses can avoid double taxation in Australia, and how debt funding can create efficiencies with a lower withholding tax rate. Discover the implications of thin capitalisation rules and transfer pricing regimes on your investment strategy.

Transfer pricing documentation 

Australian transfer pricing documentation isn't sufficient for New Zealand compliance. In this video, we outline the importance of tailoring your documentation to address the New Zealand perspective, including explaining local benefits, payment justifications, and available options. Watch now to understand the additional steps needed to ensure full compliance with New Zealand's transfer pricing regulations.

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Main differences between the Australian and New Zealand tax regime

Dive into the key differences between the Australian and New Zealand R&D tax regimes, and learn how New Zealand's 10 per cent limit on foreign R&D and distinct registration processes and deadlines set it apart from Australia's approach. Watch now to understand the implications for IP ownership within a worldwide group and how these differences can impact your R&D investments.

Navigating tax compliance in New Zealand: Key requirements and governance focus

Businesses looking to expand into New Zealand must understand the critical tax compliance requirements in New Zealand and why tax governance is a major focus for the New Zealand Revenue. In this video we discuss the importance of having a governance document, defining your tax risk appetite, and implementing policies and procedures to manage tax effectively. Discover the key compliance areas for 2024, including transfer pricing, debt to equity levels, and businesses in continual loss.

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Key tax considerations for businesses entering the New Zealand market 

In this video, we explore the key tax issues to consider when investing in New Zealand. Learn about three crucial stages: formation, where you determine the best legal structure for your business; ongoing tax compliance, which includes managing annual filings and understanding profit repatriation; and future exit, where you assess the tax implications of divesting your business. Watch now to gain insights into how to navigate these stages effectively to maximize profitability and compliance.

Streamlining R&D Tax Incentive applications: A two-stage process in New Zealand

In this video we unpack the two-stage application process for R&D tax incentives in New Zealand. Discover the importance of the general approval application and the R&D supplementary return, along with the strict deadlines you need to meet. Watch now to find out how larger businesses can benefit from getting their systems and processes pre-approved by Inland Revenue, simplifying the application process and ensuring compliance.

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Strengthening Tax Governance: Integrating Transfer Pricing into your framework

Discover the importance of tax governance within transfer pricing and why it's a key focus for the ATO. Watch now to learn about the three essential elements: establishing a transfer pricing policy, implementing tools to ensure policy adherence, and conducting controls testing to manage risk. It's crucial to understand how these steps can help your business maintain compliance and effectively manage transfer pricing risks.

Understanding the interaction between Transfer Pricing and customs compliance 

The relationship between transfer pricing and Customs is intricate. Watch the video to learn why it's essential to consider all transfer pricing transactions when determining Customs value, and the importance of making necessary disclosures to avoid penalties. It's imperative for businesses to understand how businesses can navigate compliance complexities effectively.

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Comparing R&D Tax Transparency: Australia vs. New Zealand

In this video, we compare the R&D tax transparency reports between Australia and New Zealand and the intricacies of the Australian and New Zealand regimes, and how they differ.  Learn about the differences in eligibility, refundability, and the impact of these regimes on businesses in both countries.

Key drivers of R&D provisions: Comparing New Zealand and Australia 

Discover the key drivers of R&D qualification in New Zealand, including the three-pronged test that involves undertaking a systematic approach, creating new knowledge or improved processes, and resolving scientific or technological uncertainty. Watch now to understand how these criteria align with international norms and how they aim to incentivise innovation by addressing knowledge gaps and technical challenges.

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Transfer Pricing focus: ATO and Inland Revenue insights 

Gain insights into the transfer pricing focus areas of the ATO and Inland Revenue. Learn how Australia's approach targets large multinationals through programs like Justified Trust, while New Zealand's Inland Revenue also pays close attention to smaller companies in the mid-market. Learning the similarities and differences in their scrutiny of transactions is crucial to understanding how these focus areas impact businesses operating internationally.

Essential recommendations for Australian businesses entering the New Zealand market

In this video, we discuss the essential recommendations for Australian businesses entering the New Zealand market. Learn about the common related party transactions, such as finance, intercompany services, and IP transactions, and the importance of pricing them correctly according to the arm's length principle. Watch now to understand the need for proper documentation and transfer pricing to support these arrangements and ensure compliance.

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Navigating IP and Transfer Pricing: Key considerations and ATO focus areas

In this video, we unpack the complexities of IP in transfer pricing and why the ATO is focusing on the economic substance behind entities that legally own IP. Learn about the importance of having a well-thought-out commercial strategy from the outset to avoid cross-border exit charges and ensure compliance. Watch now to understand how the ATO's guidance on IP migration and development can impact your business and the critical considerations for successful IP exploitation.

Understanding ATO review programs: Key focus areas and compliance tips

Our experts highlight the ATO's various review programs and their focus on transfer pricing transactions, including how these programs target different taxpayer groups. Watch the video to learn the key areas of focus, including related party debt funding, IP transactions, and offshore marketing hubs, and get advice on how businesses can prepare and maintain robust transfer pricing documentation to ensure compliance.

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