Going bust in a boom: the potential sting in the tail of the COVID building boom
Insights Going bust in a boom: the potential sting in the tail of the COVID building boom
The August 2021 figures have confirmed that we are in the midst of an unexpected real estate boom, with national house prices up 18.4% year on year according to CoreLogic’s results – the fastest annual price growth since 1989. In the eighteen months since COVID-19 first presented in Australia, it’s fair to say that the initial chorus of gloomy predictions for real estate and construction didn’t come to pass, and thankfully have proven to be well off the mark.
Cameron Crichton
Sian Sinclair
| 9 min read |
Supply chain delays
Insight Supply chain delays
We explore time delays caused by unprecedented convergence of surging demand and restricted supply chains during the Covid building boom. Time can be a killer in business, none more so than for builders burning overhead and facing delay claims on wafer thin project margins.
Cameron Crichton
Sian Sinclair
| 10 min read |
COVID building boom: who’s likely to be stung?
Insight COVID building boom: who’s likely to be stung?
We explore the different market segments in the construction industry during the COVID building boom to better understand the profile of industry participants most likely to feel the sting of continuing supply chain pressure.
Cameron Crichton
Sian Sinclair
| 16 min read |
Carbon tariffs on emissions-intensive imports to nurture domestic manufacturing
Insight Carbon tariffs on emissions-intensive imports to nurture domestic manufacturing
Tariffs on emissions-intensive imports are expected to be introduced to adhere to the Government’s proposed emission targets. Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen put forward a proposal to enforce pollution caps on the country’s 215 biggest emitters, with the view to reduce their greenhouse output by 5 per cent a year until 2030. There’s no doubt that these emission targets are aggressive – but with penalties in place if organisations don’t comply, we expect to see a positive impact on the adoption of sustainable practices across businesses, manufacturing processes and along the supply chain.
Richard Nutt
Andrew Rigele
| 3 min read |
Will the Federal Budget reveal the Government’s long-term plan for supply chains?
Insight Will the Federal Budget reveal the Government’s long-term plan for supply chains?
With less than one week to go until Labor hands down its first Federal Budget, it will be interesting to see what the Government will do to help set up the future of Australia. Our economy – like many others around the world – is still experiencing supply chain pressures, and with a potential global recession looming, there are some steps the Government could take to ensure Australia’s economic strength over the long term.
Richard Nutt
| 3 min read |