The Hon. Rob Lucas, Treasurer of South Australia last week announced the extension and expansion of the State’s COVID-19 rent relief measures.

The measures, extended 6 months to April 2021, have also been expanded to allow eligible landlords to receive up to a 50% reduction on their 2019-20 land tax (up from 25%), with the proviso that they will pass on the full benefit of land tax relief to their tenants. The land tax relief measure has also been expanded to include commercial owner-occupiers.

The Marshall Government has stressed that landlords should still negotiate with affected tenants on a case by case basis, in good faith. The rent relief measures have the facility to be extended up to 28 March 2021, if required. Applications for the land tax relief scheme can be submitted here.

In addition to extending rent relief measures, the Marshall Government has also announced a $20 million Tourism Industry Development Fund. In an effort to encourage private investment in regional tourism infrastructure, private businesses can apply for grants between $20,000 and $500,000, with a maximum of 30% of the funding per project to come from the State Government.