To support the Australian Government’s objective of doubling philanthropy by 2030, a Productivity Commission inquiry has been set up to analyse motivations for philanthropic giving in Australia and identify opportunities for future growth.

The Commission is open to submissions until 5 May 2023, and will be considering any relevant input to increase philanthropy to enhance social connectedness, support vulnerable Australians, and improve health and wellbeing in Australian communities. 

Grant Thornton Australia will be making a submission centred around our observations on this matter. Our submission will include considerations on the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and broader tax framework, the operation of Ancillary Funds, fundraising laws and other related matters. 

We encourage you to make a submission to this inquiry. Written submissions can be made to the Productivity Commission here until 5 May 2023. Interim findings will be released in November 2023, with the final report due by 11 May 2024.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out or find out more via the Productivity Commission’s webinar and Terms of Reference for this inquiry here.

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