The continued pressure on businesses to grow, while riding the current wave of uncertainty, has shone a light on programs like the NSW Jobs Plus program as a mechanism to support business growth.

The new year is a timely reminder that there are government grant opportunities available to support your business - but they don't stick around forever.

The NSW Jobs Plus program closes in June this year, or when the funding pool is exhausted.

What is the $250 Jobs Plus Program?

The NSW government $250m Jobs Plus Program supports top-performing Australian and international companies who want to enter or expand their footprint in NSW.

The Program’s sole purpose is creating and fast-tracking job creation, by reducing the cost of establishment, with funding of up to 50% of project costs.

Program Benefits

Jobs Plus provides benefits to companies based on how many new jobs are created by the proposed project in NSW. Support levels are tiered so companies could benefit from the following:

  • Jobs Plus Concierge Service – to help businesses efficiently navigate and access NSW government agencies and programs.
  • Payroll tax relief for up to 4 years – for every new job created where a business has created at least 30 net new jobs.
  • Subsidised training packages rebate – programs accessible to the wider NSW community that build specialised skills aimed at sustaining jobs into the future.
  • Enabling infrastructure rebate – to subsidise the cost of a new or expanding business, to connect to shared infrastructure or building new infrastructure to support their business needs.
  • Access to subsidised, short-term Government accommodation and spaces on a short-term basis.
  • Assistance with planning approvals in NSW – fast tracked planning approval pathways and advice, plus guidance on appropriate site selection to increase speed to market.

Who is eligible?

To be considered for support under the Program, a proponent must meet the following qualification criteria:

  • Commit to the creation of a minimum of 30 new FTE jobs in NSW with hiring commencing before June 2022 and complete by June 2024;
  • Be an ABN registered business:
    • with at least 20 FTE employees in Australia at the time of application, and
    • operating for at least two years; and
  • Be a revenue-generating business

The Program will also give consideration to creating (or retaining) smart, sustainable jobs in growth industries, including those identified by the NSW 2040 Economic Blueprint and the Global NSW Strategy, through investment attraction and private sector partnerships.

NSW Government focus industries

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Services – particularly education and healthcare, but also tourism, financial and other professional services.
  • Agtech, food production – particularly premium and niche foods.
  • Aerospace and defence
  • Space
  • Hydrogen
  • Resources and infrastructure

If your company is looking to expand in NSW, creating more jobs, you could be eligible for this program. We can support you in navigating the process and developing your strategy and application to maximize success.

If Jobs Plus is not a good fit with your investment project, we encourage you to consider other programs that may be available, such as the upcoming release of Round Two of the Federal Government’s MMI Integration and Translation grants.