As the short-sharp lockdown in South East Queensland threatens to be extended, the Queensland Government is providing grants of up $5,000 to affected small and medium businesses across Queensland.

We are waiting on additional detail around eligibility and supporting documentation required. At this point in time, we understand the grants are available to small and medium businesses that have:

  • a turnover of more than $75,000 per annum
  • an annual payroll in Queensland of up to $10 million
  • experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as result of the lockdown

Your business doesn't have to be located in South East Queensland, but you must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown.

Applications will open in mid-August and all eligible businesses who apply for a grant within the three month application period will receive funding. Turn-around time for payments is anticipated to be within two weeks of notification the application has been approved.

Grants are also available for large businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector operating in the 11 local government areas in the lockdown, subject to meeting eligibility criteria. More information on eligibility criteria will be available in the coming days.

While Federal assistance for businesses will be available if the lockdown extended beyond four weeks, we understand that individuals in Queensland will be able to apply for disaster payments on the Service Australia website from Saturday 7 August 2021 – once again, subject to eligibility which is outlined on the website.

We are here to help during these difficult times. Please reach out if you would like to discuss support available to you and other measures you can take to mitigate the impact of COVID on your business.