2022 was a year marked by unique opportunities and challenges for Australian manufacturing businesses, with many regaining growth momentum after pandemic lockdowns. There has been some uncertainty in government landscapes both federally and in some states.

Increasing inflationary pressures look set to continue into the new year and government grants are an alternate funding source for businesses looking to acquire and update equipment. 

It is difficult to predict what grants will be available, and when – on top of this it is a competitive process. We’ve compiled a list of government grant funds to keep an eye out for in the new calendar year – read on for our thoughts on what to expect in 2023.

Who are these grants best for?

It’s no secret there are a plethora of grants available – over 4,000 programs on offer annually. However, the real value is knowing which grant program best matches your needs, and thereby where to focus your time and energy. Good applications take time and skill, and investing in an application without strong project to government policy alignment is not recommended.

We can help you translate your corporate strategy into an actionable grant targeting plan, with services to support you to identify the grants you need, help you confidently qualify identified opportunities and ensure you are ready to make an application within the tight application window.

Government grant funding is available to support businesses with projects that can demonstrate strong benefits to our economy. Job creation, export focus, new technology or capability development are all areas state and federal governments are keen to support. Sectors like Agriculture, Defence, Energy, Food & Beverage, Health, Medtech and Life Sciences, Mining, Resources and Critical Minerals, and Space are often targets for government funding and incentives.

Federal Grants

National Reconstruction Fund

The $15bn National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) is the Albanese Government’s centrepiece policy for the manufacturing sector. The NRF seeks to diversify and transform Australian industry and economy, driving sustainable economic growth.

The NRF will be modelled on the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and governed by an independent board making investment decisions, with finance options including loans, equity investment and guarantees. The NRF will target:

  • renewables and low emissions technologies
  • medical science
  • transport
  • value-add in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors
  • value-add in resources
  • defence capability
  • enabling capabilities.

The Government is currently calling for public consultation on the implementation of the NRF and the investment mandate. Public consultation will close on 3 February 2023 – see more information here. The next stage of the process is an industry co-investment planning process.

If you’d like to keep up to date with the NRF and would like to discuss your project, contact us today.


Program Name

Manufacturing Focus




ARENA grant programs, including the Advancing Renewables Program (ARP) and Future Fuels Program

Renewable Energy, clean technology



Monitor and connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion.

Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority Grant (SICPG) and other Defence programs

SMEs building industrial capabilities for Defence sector

Assessed in batches

Up to $1 million

(50% co-contribution) 

Connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion.

Industry-lead research collaboration programs -  co-operative research centre (CRC) grants and co-operative research centre projects (CRC-P) grants

Industry and research collaborations

Now open

CRC – up to 50% eligible funds

CRC-P – up to $3 million

Connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion.

State Grants


After a period of uncertainty, political stability has returned with the continuing Labor government. The government recently released its Advancing Victorian Manufacturing strategy. As such, we are expecting a number of exciting grant opportunities for Victorian manufacturers, including the imminent Business Competitiveness Program.

Priority industry sectors include: agriculture, advanced manufacturing, medtech manufacturing, mining and resources, cultural and creative economy, small business, tourism, sports and major events.

Program Name

Manufacturing Focus




Business Competitiveness Program (BCP)

Manufacturers seeking to expand or enhance their manufacturing capabilities

Round 2 anticipated to open early 2023 (e.g. January 2023)

Up to $500,000 (up to 33% of eligible project expenditure)

Connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion

Medtech Manufacturing Capability Program

Manufacturers and medical technology businesses to build capability and capacity.

New round anticipated in 2023

Up to $500,000 (50% cash contribution basis)

Monitor and connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion

Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund

Regional development – infrastructure or job creation projects

Open, ongoing


Connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion

Breakthrough Victoria Fund

High impact, innovative companies in priority industries:  health and life science; clean economy; advanced manufacturing; agri-food; digital technologies. Breakthrough Victoria Challenge: solar PV recycling and material extraction solutions.

Open, ongoing

Various – pre-seed ($150,000) to growth equity ($40 million) investments.

Connect with Grants team for grants funding discussion



While NSW was impacted by floods this year, it is now focused on strong economic recovery. In the last quarter, the state offered a number of grant opportunities for projects in the critical minerals and clean energy space.

NSW will head into caretaker mode soon ahead of its state election in March 2023. There will be a lull in grant funding opportunities for NSW businesses until the outcome of the election, and should there be a change of government, this may introduce further funding uncertainties for the state.

Priority industry sectors include: emerging industries - clean energy and waste; defence and aerospace; digital systems and software; medical and life sciences; existing industries – international education; visitor economy; agriculture and agrifood; resources; core enabling technologies - advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, digital technology including fintech.

Program Name

Manufacturing Focus




Programs under the $703 million Future Economy Fund

Priority industry areas such as modern manufacturing, medtech, defence and aerospace



Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect Grants team.

New rounds of the Critical Minerals and High-Tech Metals Activation Fund

Technology, manufacturing and mining industries



Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect Grants team.

New rounds under the NSW Environmental Trust

Clean technology, recycling and environmental projects



(e.g. up to $3 million for Clean Technology Research and Development grant)

Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect Grants team.

Regional Job Creation Fund

Job creation in regional NSW

Round 3 now open, closes 6 March 2023

$100million pool

Connect with Grants team now.

Regional Investment Activation Fund – Stream 2

Priority industry areas in regional NSW

Ongoing until Dec 2024 or when fund exhausted

Up to $10 million

Connect Grants team.



Queensland remained a politically stable landscape in 2022 and we anticipate the same in 2023. With the recently revamped Advanced Manufacturing 10 Year Roadmap and Action Plan and the Energy and Jobs Plan, Queensland looks to continue strong support for its manufacturing and clean energy sectors. In its recent State budget update, Queensland forecasted solid economic growth and will focus on reinvesting into the economy.

Priority industry sectors include: advanced manufacturing, hydrogen, biofutures, biomedical, defence, aerospace, space, resource recovery and METS.

Program Name

Manufacturing Focus




Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program

Manufacturers across five eligible regions: Cairns, Central Queensland, Gold Coast, Mackay and Townsville.

Round 3 opening early 2023

TBC – guidelines to be released soon. Expecting up to $2.5 million available.

Connect with Grants team.

Industry Partnership Program

Priority industry sectors.


Based on individual project costs

Connect with Grants team.

Made in Queensland

SME manufacturers to increase international competitiveness, productivity and innovation

Round 6 anticipated for mid-late 2023

Up to $500,000 (33% co-contribution)

Connect with Grants team.

Invested in Queensland – Strategic Investment Scheme and the Investment Support Scheme

Priority industry sectors


Various – financial, fiscal and non-monetary support available. Discretionary program.

Connect with Grants team

Clean Energy programs

Technology, clean and renewable energy sectors



Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect with Grants team.

Future programs under

- Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan

- Regional Economic Futures ($200 million)

Priority sectors



Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect with Grants team.

Future programs under

- Critical Minerals Investment Fund ($100 million)

- Critical Minerals Common User Infrastructure ($150 million)

Mining and METS, technology and energy industries



Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect with Grants team.



Western Australia remains a stable grants landscape for businesses. In 2023, we anticipate grant focuses on the clean and renewable energy sectors.

Priority industry sectors include: energy, tourism, international education, defence, mining and METs, space, health and medical life science, primary industries.

Program Name

Manufacturing Focus




Carbon Innovation Grants

Technology, clean and renewable energy sectors

Round 2 pending

TBC – potentially up to $1.5 million (up to 75% co-contribution)

Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect with Grants team

Collie Industrial Transition Fund

Green manufacturing, energy intensive industries and future clean energy industries in Collie

Expressions of Interest now open

From $2 million (50% co-contribution). Fund pool of $200 million.

Connect with Grants team

Investment Attraction Fund

Industry-led diversification proposals from new and emerging businesses in priority sectors.

Round 2 expected in 2023


$80m committed in State Budget over next 4 years

Consider your project pipeline and grants strategy. Connect with Grants team