Earlier this week, it was announced that businesses can now register their details to receive updates about procurement opportunities for the Brisbane Olympics & Paralympics in 2032.

Last month, we hosted a webinar on Brisbane 2032, where we heard from guest speakers – one who was key to the city’s bid process and another who is leading the focus on the event’s legacy. They encouraged businesses, from all industries and from the top of North Queensland down, to think outside the square when it comes to how they can contribute to the Games and to be ready to take advantage of the opportunities that are to come.

There will be typical procurement opportunities that come from the Games itself – opportunities that will be highlighted by registering your details below. However, the opportunities will be more far-reaching than just from the Games itself, as given Brisbane’s expected significant population growth over the next 20 years, it is sure to be an attractive and reliable spot for international investment. So whether you’re a manufacturer, work in energy, tourism, technology or real-estate and construction, for example, Brisbane deserves special focus. Taking a proactive approach now and ensuring the financial stability of your business for future growth will put you in a good position to pursue – and win – these opportunities.

You can register your interest for procurement opportunities here.

Click here to watch our webinar snapshot.