Yesterday, AusTrade announced the opening of the next round of the EMDG program.

With applications for the 2023 Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) program opening in only two weeks, now is the time to prepare.

The EMDG program is the Federal Government’s cornerstone funding program encouraging Australian businesses to seek export opportunities for their goods, services, intellectual property and software. The program allows businesses to access grants over an 8 year period, or up to a total funding amount of $770,000. The reform model is available to businesses with a turnover of less than $20m as at 30 June 2022.


Applications are proposed to open for 5 weeks from Tuesday 31 May 2022 at 9:00am AEST, and will close on Tuesday 5 July 2022 at 4:00pm AEST.

EMDG applications for the 2023 financial year allow grant funding for two or three years depending on the Application Tier.

Key benefits and eligible expenses

The program is self-assessment-based and offers a 50% reimbursement of your planned eligible expenses. Australian businesses can receive up to $150,000 per annum, noting that the actual grant amount available is determined during each grant round based on the pool of funds available and the number of applicants. Read more about the costs you can claim here.

Making your 2023 EMDG application

Now is the time to get ready for the 2023 EMDG application process. You will need to gather a series of files to substantiate your claim, including marketing plans and budgets, export evidence and financial statements.

Our team of experts can help you to proactively prepare all necessary material to apply for this round of funding. We conduct an in-depth discussion with each client to understand their exporting needs and desires, working with them to attain the most benefit out of the EMDG program. Our  service and support starts from EMDG applications, writing business plans to auditing and completing milestone reports.

Please reach out if you would like to have a meeting to discuss your eligibility for the 2023 EMDG program.

Webinar: Accessing EMDG funding for Australian exporters

Join our webinar to ensure you understand your eligibility, the pitfalls and opportunities of the EMDG program for you to streamline your strategy.

Watch on-demand