Guidelines for the Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI) Manufacturing Collaboration Stream have just been released.

This grant stream is one of three grant streams under the MMI, and is designed to specifically target large-scale manufacturing projects either directly featuring collaboration or creating and facilitating collaborative ecosystems.

Applications must be submitted by 9 September 2021; projects are expected to start in early 2022 and must be completed by 31 March 2024. As would be expected given the very large scale of these grants, the documentation requirements are detailed and extensive; companies wishing to pursue these grants will need to initiate work to prepare applications without delay.

Manufacturing Collaboration Stream

This Collaboration Stream is designed to promote long-term transformation in the National Manufacturing Priority areas.

To be eligible you must have an Australian business number (ABN) and meet the following criteria:

  • Have a project that aligns with one or more of the six National Manufacturing Priorities
  • Minimum of $60.6 million in eligible project expenditure
  • No more than 50% of your project is funded from Commonwealth funding sources
  • No more than 65% of your project is funded from all government sources (including Commonwealth, State and Territory and local)
  • Show the potential to expand or promote interstate or international trade
  • Provide letters of support from your project partners.

If your company is part of a formal or informal collaboration considering a large scale manufacturing project that could be eligible for this program, please consider contacting us to discuss how we can help.

If your manufacturing project does not meet the Collaboration Stream requirements, Round Two for the MMI Integration and Translation Streams will also be opening again soon, so please contact us to discuss your project and the best program to support it.

Modern Manufacturing Initiative

The Federal Government has opened applications under the $1.3bn Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI). This is the most generous funding program the Government will embark upon to support local manufacturers and is aimed at supporting larger projects to get up and running as quickly as possible.