Past Event: Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Planning for succession in professional service firms (and avoiding equity disputes!)

Many professional service firms have experienced growth and increased profitability over the last two years - and the focus on how profits are distributed and value transferred has never been more intense.

In this webinar we provide our insights on the key elements required to manage succession and avoid equity disputes, including:

  • Ownership structures & creating pathways for talent
  • Distribution of profits
  • Understanding management reporting
  • Valuation of ownership interests & funding

We also touch on the ATO’s latest guidance impacting professional service firms:

  • PCG 2021/4 Allocation of professional firm profits
  • TR 2022/D1 Income tax: section 100A reimbursement agreements


Craig Lawson

Craig has significant experience advising private and family owned businesses on taxation management, asset protection and superannuation planning.

Darryn Hockley

Darryn Hockley is a Forensic Consulting specialist with a background in providing expert reports and expert witness services in valuation disputes, loss and damage assessments, tax disputes and negligence claims.