Past Event: Thursday, June 13, 2024

Identifying climate-related risks and opportunities

Identifying your organisation’s climate-related risks and opportunities is the first and most crucial step in preparing for ASRS reporting.

Join CFO Advisory Partner John Askham and ESG Specialist and Senior Manager, Samantha Sing Key in another climate-reporting webinar where they answer frequently asked questions related to this process including:

  • Why identification of climate-related risks and opportunities is essential for Australian sustainability reporting
  • What a climate-related risk and opportunity is
  • Practical ways of identifying climate-related risks and opportunities
  • Common challenges, including preparing for assurance


John Askham

John has over 16 years’ experience in advising private and public sector clients across a range of industries on the latest IFRS developments, and more recently, developing robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting strategies, my experience is cross-sector with a recent focus on energy and infrastructure.

Samantha Sing Key
Senior Manager, Sustainability reporting
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Samantha is a sustainability reporting technical specialist at Grant Thornton Australia. She is a core member of multiple Grant Thornton International sustainability reporting subject matter experts groups and leads the technical interpretation and implementation of Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS) for Grant Thornton Australia. Samantha is at the forefront of the technical complexities and practical implementation of sustainability reporting standards locally and internationally.