Stages of a payroll remediation project – Stage 4 Remediation for employees
Insight Stages of a payroll remediation project – Stage 4 Remediation for employees
This article is the fourth in a series where we discuss the stages of a payroll remediation project.
Alex Bell
Troy Wilson
| 4 min read |
Discounting and discount rates in economic loss
Insight Discounting and discount rates in economic loss
Calculating the amount of damages as part of an economic loss claim is not necessarily a simple matter of adding up a series of lost profits.
Anne Dale
Joseph Box
| 6 min read |
Is your professional services firm ‘option ready’?
Podcast Is your professional services firm ‘option ready’?
In the first episode of our refreshed series, Beyond the Numbers, Financial Advisory Partner Darryn Hockley and Private Business Tax & Advisory Partner Craig Lawson, explore the characteristics of firms that are ‘option ready’.
Darryn Hockley
Craig Lawson
| 20 min read |
Accounts payable and payroll employee fraud: identification, detection and prevention
Insight Accounts payable and payroll employee fraud: identification, detection and prevention
Accounts payable and payroll fraud conducted by employees is an issue that can have a negative impact on businesses. Detecting and investigating these types of fraud requires a systematic approach to identify irregularities, gather evidence, and take appropriate action against the perpetrators.
Kelly Rigby
Katherine Shamai
| 7 min read |
Anti-Fraud Awareness: Common Fraud Types, Warning Signs and Fraud Detection
Insight Anti-Fraud Awareness: Common Fraud Types, Warning Signs and Fraud Detection
To minimise the impact of fraud in Australia and globally, we are promoting anti-fraud awareness and education with a series of articles during International Fraud Awareness Week. This article is the first in our series and takes a closer look at the most commonly experienced types of fraud, the warning signs, and fraud detection.
Kelly Rigby
Katherine Shamai
| 3 min read |
Uncovering hidden assets in family law disputes
Insight Uncovering hidden assets in family law disputes
When there is commingling of assets, as often seen in family law or commercial disputes, it can become difficult to identify asset ownership and asset value. In these instances, asset tracing is used to determine the source of the asset and how the asset has been used prior, and in the course of the dispute.
Kelly Rigby
Darryn Hockley
| 3 min read |


Analysis of data and financial information within a legal dispute is regularly called upon as a key and reliable – and objective – piece of evidence when it comes to establishing true value, finding proof of issues, or spotting early warning signs requiring attention.

However, this financial information is often not always complete, crucial parts are overlooked and can be affected by a range of internal and external factors.

Finding this information and giving it a practical meaning and application requires specialist skills and technology.

Our Forensic Consulting team works with intermediaries and clients to independently find, understand and articulate the financial information of businesses, industry trends, and economic activity. This information is crucial to establishing the key issues of a dispute – be that commercial litigation or family law – and is critical evidence to issues you are investigating and can help you meet your regulatory obligations, like payroll assurance.

We stay across the latest developments affecting forensic accounting, from new technologies and industry trends to recent judgments impacting related matters and future investigations.